Terms & Conditions (Customers)

Buyer Terms and Conditions

industry Export Directory Is a platform owned by Tazamon Information Technology, registered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Commercial Registration No. (4030410121). This User Agreement, along with the Privacy Policy, constitutes the terms and conditions governing your use of the website industry.com.sa and all legal implications arising from your use of the services provided. Any use of the services on industry.com.sa constitutes acceptance of all terms and conditions of this Agreement, making it effective and enforceable upon your registration or use of the website industry.com.sa. We may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time, so we advise you to periodically review the Agreement to be aware of any changes.

Your use of the website industry.com.sa is conditional upon your acceptance of these User Agreement terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of the agreement, you must stop using the website and delete your account entirely. Your continued use of the website indicates that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If there is any part of this Agreement or any service provided on the website industry.com.sa that you do not understand, please contact us.

This Agreement is part of the regulation of the purely commercial relationship between its parties (the seller and the buyer) within a B2B framework, where the involved parties are traders or commercial entities, such as stores and factories on one side and buyers, such as stores and companies, on the other. Consequently, the laws and terms related to the protection of ordinary consumers do not apply to this relationship, including return and exchange policies unless there is a manufacturing defect or a failure to provide the agreed-upon service. The seller has the right to include their own terms that do not conflict with the provisions of this agreement.

Article 1: Definitions

Platform/Website/We: Refers to Tazamon Information Technology, including all forms of the company, whether it is the website industry.com.sa or any electronic applications affiliated with it.

User/You:Refers to the person who uses the Platform, visits it, registers on it, or requests any service through it, and includes both the seller and the buyer. The term “You” may refer to more than one person.

Seller/Entity: Refers to the user who created an account on the Platform to display and sell their products, whether it is a company or an establishment. This term also includes the representative of the company or institution who registered on the Platform on behalf of the company or institution.

Buyer: Refers to the user who created an account on the Platform to purchase products displayed by the seller on the platform.

Supporting Entities: Refers to the service providers supporting the sale and purchase process, including but not limited to shipping, insurance, customs clearance, and other services provided by external companies through the Platform.

Agreement/Terms and Conditions:Refers to this User Agreement, which includes the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the Platform, as well as any written, electronic, or verbal agreements or contracts between the Platform and the user.

Order: Refers to the purchase request submitted by the buyer through the Platform to purchase a specific product from the seller. The order is in the waiting stage until the seller accepts or rejects it. Once the order is accepted, the product moves to the shipping stage.

Shipment: Refers to the product for which the order has been confirmed by the seller and is being prepared for delivery to the buyer. The shipment begins after the order is accepted and is subject to the return and refund policies outlined in this Agreement after the order is completed.

Refund: Refers to the process in which the buyer requests to retrieve the money paid for a product in the event of order cancellation or when meeting the refund conditions stipulated in this Agreement.

Return: Refers to returning the product from the buyer to the seller, subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement.

Laws: Refers to the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article 2: Buyer Registration Requirements

1- To register on the Platform, the buyer must first fill out their personal information and must have full legal and regulatory capacity, and be at least 18 years old, in accordance with the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2- The buyer’s account name must match their official information, and it is prohibited to register with false, misleading, or illegal names, or names that belong to someone else.

3- The buyer must register the account using a mobile number and an email address that belong to them in order to receive any notifications sent by the Platform.

4- The buyer must keep their account information, including the password, confidential and must not share it with third parties. If there is any unauthorized access to their account, the buyer must notify the Platform. The platform reserves the right to verify the buyer’s identity before taking any action, including account suspension.

5- The Platform has the right to reject a registration request or cancel any existing account if any of the conditions outlined in this Agreement are not met, or for any other reason at its discretion. In such cases, this Agreement will become void for the buyer, with all legal effects that arose during its validity still applying to the buyer.

6- The buyer agrees that if they violate the provisions of this clause or provide incorrect information, they are responsible to the seller or third parties. The Platform bears no responsibility or liability for any damages incurred by the seller, buyer, or third parties as a result of the buyer’s violation of the provisions of this clause.

Article 3: Accuracy of Information Provided to Us

The buyer guarantees that all the data and information provided to the Platform are true, accurate, up-to-date, complete, and lawful, including information about any users added by the buyer. The buyer is also obligated to update their information if any changes occur. The Platform is not responsible for any incorrect information provided by the buyer.

Article 4: Platform Rights

1- The Platform provides brokerage services by facilitating the technical connection between the seller and the buyer to simplify the buying and selling process. Therefore, the Platform is not responsible for the products or services provided by sellers or the outcomes of these products or services. The seller is solely responsible for the products or services they offer.

2- All transactions between the seller and the buyer are independent of the Platform. The relationship between the seller and the buyer is subject to their agreement, and the Platform is not responsible for any failure or non-compliance by either party towards the other.

3- The Platform has the right to suspend the buyer’s account automatically and without prior notice if it is found that the buyer has insulted any employee, member, or official of the Platform or violated any terms and conditions of this Agreement.

4- The Platform has the right to suspend, cancel, or block the buyer’s account, prevent the completion of any payment or purchase order, or deny access to the Platform at any time without prior notice if it is found that the buyer has engaged in fraudulent purchases, or if the Platform receives information indicating fraudulent activity or for any other reason the Platform deems appropriate. This action will be taken without any liability or loss for the Platform.

5- The Platform will make efforts to limit any violations or breaches of the laws that may be committed by the seller, whether explicitly or implicitly. However, the Platform is not obligated to do so, as adding and removing products from the Platform is the sole responsibility of the seller. The Platform’s role is limited to providing brokerage services through the technical connection between the seller and the buyer, and the seller alone is responsible for the products or services they offer.

Article 5: Product Prices

1- The seller determines the prices of the products displayed on their page and sets the minimum order quantity, which will be visible to the buyer on the Platform before making a purchase.

2- The buyer has the right to communicate with the seller within the Platform to negotiate prices and quantities they wish to purchase, as well as to compare the offers presented and choose the most suitable one.

3- The buyer is obligated to agree with the seller and pay using the payment methods available on the Platform. Payments made through any other means outside the Platform are prohibited, and the Platform does not guarantee any payments made outside its services nor will it refund them.

4- The buyer is prohibited from using incorrect or illegal payment methods, and if they violate this provision, they will bear the responsibility. 

Article 6: Buyer Obligations

1- By completing the registration process on the Platform, you agree to have your contact information included in the Platform’s database and allow the Platform and its affiliates to share this information with users or display it on the Platform, in accordance with the privacy policy (https://industry.com.sa/en/privacy_polices)

2- The buyer is obliged to read the terms and conditions set by the seller on their page, as well as the return and exchange policies for products, and the terms and conditions related to transportation and storage before completing the purchase.

3- If the buyer wishes to engage with any supporting entities registered on the Platform to benefit from shipping, customs clearance, and other supporting services, they will enter into a separate contractual relationship with those entities under contracts made between the supporting entities and the buyer, and the buyer agrees to comply with these contracts.

4- The buyer commits to adhering to all applicable laws and regulations governing the nature of the contractual relationship between them and the Platform, between them and the seller, and between them and the supporting entities.

5- The buyer acknowledges that any failure by the seller to deliver the products or services as stipulated in their contract after receiving the purchase amount, or if the seller fails to deliver products that match the description provided on their Platform page, is solely the responsibility of the seller. The buyer has the right to file a complaint against the seller within the Platform, and the Platform will encourage the seller to respond to the buyer as necessary to reach a resolution.

6- The buyer agrees not to insult the Platform, the seller, or any other party when evaluating products, whether directly or indirectly. The Platform has the right to delete any offensive comments.

Article 7: Supporting Entities

1- To complete the purchase process on the Platform, the buyer may need to deal with storage companies, shipping agents, customs clearance agents, insurance companies, and other supporting entities. The Platform provides a number of supporting entities to facilitate the buying and selling process between the seller and the buyer.

2- The buyer has the right to choose the entity they wish to deal with, whether it is one of the registered entities on the Platform or an external entity.

The buyer acknowledges that the supporting entities registered on the Platform operate independently of the Platform, and the relationship between the supporting entities and the buyer is considered a separate contractual relationship governed by the terms and conditions set by those entities either on their website or directly signed with the buyer.

4- The Platform bears no responsibility for any losses, damages, failures, claims, obligations, or costs arising from the services provided by the supporting entities, as these are the sole responsibility of the supporting entities.

Article 8: Third Parties

1- The Platform engages with various third parties to support and optimally operate the Platform. For example, we contract with electronic payment service providers to secure payment transactions for the seller and provide multiple payment methods from these contracted parties. Additionally, we contract with hosting services for websites and applications to store content and data, ensuring the continuous operation of the Platform without interruption or loss of content or data.

2- The user authorizes us to engage with these contracted parties on their behalf and is bound by all contracts we enter into with these parties and any usage restrictions. The operations of these entities have become an integral part of the Platform’s operations, and if the user objects to contracting with these entities, it implies they do not wish to fully utilize the Platform’s services.

3- We may change the contracted parties from time to time for various reasons and may enter into new contracts without soliciting your opinion or obtaining your consent. We will do this at our discretion without needing to consult you.

4- Third parties not contracted with us may assist us in providing Platform services by linking our services with theirs for mutual purposes, such as owners of other websites and applications, including social media sites. We may provide links to accounts on these sites, and clicking on these links will redirect the user to them. These entities follow their own policies, which may differ wholly or partially from the policies we follow on our Platform. Therefore, you should review these policies before using the services of these entities.

5- The Platform disclaims any legal responsibility for any direct or indirect, intentional or unintentional errors made by third parties providing services through the Platform. You use the services of these non-contracted parties at your own risk.

Article 9: Platform Responsibility

1- The Platform’s role is limited to providing a technical connection between the seller and the buyer. The Platform does not sell products or services itself, and therefore, it is not responsible for the products or services offered by the seller.

2- The Platform makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided by the seller, but it does not assume responsibility for any errors or lack of clarity in any of this information.

3- The Platform is not responsible for any claims, disputes, damages, or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the seller.

4- The Platform may experience interruptions from time to time, whether temporary or permanent, for voluntary or involuntary reasons. Consequently, you release us from any legal responsibility in the event of a permanent or temporary cessation of the Platform or any of its services.

5- The user understands that no person or entity has the right to claim against the Platform for any lawsuit, claim, or compensation regarding the seller’s breach of any of their obligations, negligence, or any errors made in delivering their products or services. The Platform has its own legal entity, and the seller alone is responsible for any breaches of the agreement or applicable regulations.

Article 10: Restricting Access to the Platform

If the Platform determines that the buyer has breached any obligations outlined in this User Agreement or violated relevant laws, regulations, or rules, the Platform has the right, without requiring prior notice to the buyer, to suspend, terminate, or restrict their access to the Platform or to prevent them from registering again. The buyer has no right to seek any compensation or hold the Platform liable for such actions. The Platform also reserves the right to take all necessary legal actions and notify the relevant authorities of any violations committed by the buyer if necessary.

Article 11: Buyer Responsibility

The buyer commits to protecting the Platform from any damages it may incur due to the buyer’s violation of the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement or any applicable laws. The buyer also agrees to mitigate and prevent any harm that may occur to the Platform as a result of claims, losses, damages, or fees due to their misuse of the Platform or violation of the laws and the terms and conditions.

Article 12: Indemnities

1- The Platform does not provide any form of warranty or indemnity to any of its users or buyers, whether for damages arising from errors on the part of the seller or buyer or for any negligence on the part of the Platform, its employees, or its operators.

2- The user agrees to fully indemnify the Platform for any material or moral damages arising from illegal acts they commit through the Platform or from their general use of the Platform or failure to comply with any of its terms and conditions or applicable laws.

Article 13: Intellectual Property

1- The user must respect the intellectual property rights of the Platform, which include, but are not limited to, the Platform itself, words, logos, images, designs, videos, audio content, technical ideas, icons, software, databases, and any specific symbols related to or displayed on the Platform.

2-The Platform and all associated rights are protected under intellectual property and trademark laws and are considered the exclusive property of the Platform and its affiliates. It is strictly prohibited to infringe upon or use these rights without written authorization or permission from the Platform.

3- The buyer commits that they will not copy, download, reproduce, or republish any information, text, images, designs, audio content, videos, files, databases, or graphics published on the Platform, whether owned by the Platform, the sellers, or third parties, as this would constitute a clear violation of intellectual property laws.

4- If any right of the Platform or its intellectual property is infringed upon, the Platform will take the necessary legal actions against such violations.

Article 14: Legal Notices

1- All legal notices required to be communicated under Saudi Arabian law will be sent via the contact methods provided by the buyer. The buyer is obligated to communicate with the Platform through the Platform or their registered email address, as the Platform will not respond to any other emails except in exceptional cases at its discretion, and only after verifying the sender’s identity to protect the buyer's data.

2- The buyer agrees to be contacted via email or through public or private messages sent within the Platform, and is obliged to regularly check their inbox on the Platform, with all correspondence within the Platform being considered legal and valid.

3- The buyer consents to receive promotional messages and advertisements sent to their registered email address from time to time and has the right to request the cessation of such messages at any time.

Article 15: Data Protection

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Platform, including the information sent to us or that we store, is subject to our Privacy Policy at (https://industry.com.sa/en/privacy_polices)

Article 16: Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

We may use cookies and other technologies to facilitate and track your use of the services provided on the platform. For more information on this, please refer to our Privacy Policy at (https://industry.com.sa/en/privacy_polices)

Article 17: Governing Law

This Agreement is subject to all relevant laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Article 18: Filing Complaints

1- If you encounter an issue or wish to file a complaint, you can contact us through our customer service team.

2- If the complaint is made by the buyer against the seller, the buyer will be connected with the seller to resolve the issue within a timeframe determined by the Platform. If no resolution is reached between the parties, the Platform will attempt to resolve the complaint and provide solutions. If the buyer is not satisfied with any offered solution, they can approach the relevant authorities to file a complaint against the seller.

3- The Platform disclaims responsibility for any complaint filed by the buyer against the seller. When the buyer utilizes the Platform’s services, they enter into an independent contractual relationship with the seller, which is subject to the seller’s specific terms of sale. However, the Platform will make reasonable efforts to encourage the seller to respond to the buyer in order to resolve any disputes as outlined in the second paragraph of this section.

Article 19: General Provisions

1- The Platform is the sole authority responsible for interpreting or explaining the provisions of this Agreement. Therefore, you should contact us immediately if any of these terms are unclear to you.

2- If any provision of this User Agreement is annulled, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which will remain in effect until further notice.

3- The Platform reserves the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time. We will notify you of any updates or amendments by publishing the new terms and conditions, which will indicate the date of the last modification or update. Therefore, please review these terms and conditions periodically to stay informed of any changes.

4- If you object to any modifications made by the Platform to the terms and conditions, we kindly ask that you stop using the Platform immediately and delete your account. Your continued use of the Platform constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any modifications thereto.

5- If this User Agreement is translated into any other language, the Arabic language version shall prevail in all dealings.

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